Project 2 - Fun with Filters and Frequencies

Filip Malm-Bägén

Blended image of a face and a basketball


This project explores using frequencies to process and combine images. The project shows the process and result of sharpening images by emphasizing high frequencies, extracting edges with finite difference kernels, creating hybrid images by blending high and low frequencies from different images, and blending images at various frequencies using Gaussian and Laplacian stacks.

Finite Difference Operator


To compute the partial derivatives in the x and y directions of the "cameraman" image, I first created finite difference kernels as Numpy arrays: D_x = np.array([[1, -1]]) and y = np.array([[1], [-1]]). Using scipy.signal.convolve2d with mode='same', I convolved the image with these kernels to obtain the partial derivative images, which represent the changes in pixel intensity in the x and y directions, respectively. Thereafter, I computed the gradient magnitude image using the formula np.sqrt(partial_derivative_x ** 2 + partial_derivative_y ** 2), which combines the two partial derivatives to highlight the edge strength at each pixel. To create an edge image, I applied a threshold to the gradient magnitude image, Threshold = 0.2. Selecting the threshold value through trial and error to balance noise suppression with the visibility of real edges.


Partial derivatives of the cameraman image
Partial derivatives of the cameraman image
Gradient magnitude image of the cameraman
Gradient magnitude image of the cameraman

Derivative of Gaussian (DoG) Filter

First, the cameraman is blurred using a Gaussian filter, made using cv2.getGaussianKernel with kernel size 6 and sigma 1.0. Afterwards, the image gradient magnitude of the blurred image is computed using the same method as in the previous section. Finally, the blurry gradient magnitude image is thresholded to create an edge image. The threshold value was set to 0.05 in order to correspond to the result of the previous binarized cameraman.

There is a clear difference in the final result. The most obvious one is that the edges are thicker for the binarized edges and rounder that previously.

Partial derivatives of the blurred cameraman image
Partial derivatives of the blurred cameraman image
Gradient magnitude image of the blurred cameraman
Gradient magnitude image of the blurred cameraman
Comparison of binarized gradient magnitude images
Comparison of binarized gradient magnitude images

The two images are essentially the same. If looking closely, the grass and other small details differ, but the overall image is the same.

Image "Sharpening"

To sharpen an image, the image was first convolved with a Gaussian filter, to filter out the high frequencies, which resulted in a blurry image. The high frequencies were then extracted by subtracting the blurry image from the original image. Finally, the high frequencies were added back to the original image to create a sharpened image, using sharpened_img = img + alpha * details, where alpha is a constant sharpening factor.

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal image was sharpened using a sharpening factor of 0.75. As seen, the sharpened image has more defined edges and details compared to the original image.

Sharpened image of the Taj Mahal
Sharpened image of the Taj Mahal

Camera Obscura

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to visit the "Camera Obscura & Holograph Gallery" in San Francisco. It was very interesing to see how the camera obscura works and how it can be used to create images. Unfortunately, the resulting image lacked sharpness... Luckily, I now know an algorithm to sharpen images! I used alpha = 6.0 and the resulting image is sharper than ever. The edges around the horizon and windows are much more defined, but the image is also noisier.

Sharpened image of the Camera Obscura
Sharpened image of the Camera Obscura

Swedish Midsummer 🇸🇪

In Sweden, Midsummer is the biggest holiday of the year. We eat a lot of pickled herring and strawberries, and we celebrate all day and all night, usually up until the sun rises again. I captured this image of my friends dancing at midnight, but due to the lack of light, the image turned out blurry... But by sharpening the image with alpha = 2.0, the image is now a bit clearer. The image lacks information to begin with (I can't enhance something which does not exist), but the edges are more defined than before.

Sharpened image of Swedish Midsummer celebration
Sharpened image of Swedish Midsummer celebration


Finally, the Lena image was first blurred using a Gaussian filter with kernel = 15 and sigma = 2.0. Thereafter, I sharpened the image using alpha = 4.0, with the ambition to make the sharpened image look like the original image. The sharpened image looks somewhat similar to the original image. As a measure of similarity, I computed the mean squared error (MSE) and the Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) between the original and sharpened images. MSE measures the average squared difference between the two images. A lower MSE indicates a closer match between the images. SSIM is a perceptual metric that measures the similarity between two images. A higher SSIM indicates a closer match between the images and 0 indicates no similarity. The MSE and SSIM values were 19 766 and 0.0046, respectively. The values indicates that the sharpened image is not similar to the original image at all. This might happen because sharpening can create new edges and artifacts, making the pixel values differ a lot. As a result, the metrics show low similarity, even if the image looks somewhat similar to you.

Sharpened image of Lena
Sharpened image of Lena

Hybrid Images


Two images are taken as input: im1 and im2. A Gaussian blur is applied to im2 using sigma2 to produce the low-frequency image low_frequencies. For the higher frequencies, a Gaussian blur is applied to im1 using sigma1 to produce blurred_im1, and the high frequencies are extracted as high_frequencies = im1 - blurred_im1. Finally, low_frequencies and high_frequencies are added together pixel-wise to produce the hybrid image.

The high pass filter has a sigma of 3 and the low pass filter has a sigma of 10.


Image of Derek
Image of Derek
Image of Nutmeg
Image of Nutmeg
Hybrid image of Derek and Nutmeg
Hybrid image of Derek and Nutmeg

I also experimented with removing the color to see if the effect would be the better or worse. On this image with these specific values, it seems like the effect is better when the images are in black and white. The colors of Derek was too strong in comparason to the high frequencies of Nutmeg. The hybrid image in black and white is more balanced.

Hybrid image of Derek and Nutmeg in black and white
Hybrid image of Derek and Nutmeg in black and white

Steve Jozniak

I also tried to create a hybrid image of Steve Jobs and Steve Jobs. The high pass filter has a sigma of 1 and the low pass filter has a sigma of 5.

Image of Steve Jozniak
Image of Steve Jozniak

Fourier Analysis

For the Steve Jozniak image, I performed a Fourier transforms to the original input images, the filtered images, and the final hybrid image. This gave the following results.

Fourier analysis of Steve Jozniak hybrid image
Fourier analysis of Steve Jozniak hybrid image


I tried to create this hybrid image where it says "Hello" when the reader is close to the image and "Adios" when the reader is far away. I experimented some with the sigma values but it did not look correct. I belive it can be due to the thin lines. A more bold font migh have been better.

Image with the text 'Hello'
Image with the text 'Hello'
Image with the text 'Adios'
Image with the text 'Adios'
Failed hybrid image
Failed hybrid image

Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks


Gaussian stacks are generated for each channel of the color images by progressively applying Gaussian blur without downsampling, ensuring that the image size remains constant across all levels. The Laplacian stack is then computed by subtracting consecutive levels of the Gaussian stack, capturing the details lost between the blurred versions at each level, while the final level is the most blurred image from the Gaussian stack. This process is performed separately for each channel of the RGB image, and the stacks are combined to produce multi-level representations that preserve both fine and coarse image details.


Laplacian stack of an apple image
Laplacian stack of an apple image using levels = 5 and sigma = 2
Laplacian stack of an orange image
Laplacian stack of an orange image using levels = 5 and sigma = 2


To verify that the algorithm works, the image is reconstructed from the Laplacian stack by progressively adding each level, starting from the most blurred image at the bottom of the stack and moving upwards. The reconstruction process ensures that lost details at each level are reintroduced, with pixel values being clipped to stay within the valid range.

Reconstructed image of an apple
Reconstructed image of an apple
Reconstructed image of an orange
Reconstructed image of an orange

Multiresolution Blending


Two images are seamlessly blended using Laplacian stacks and a mask. A gaussian_stack is first generated for both images and the mask to capture details at different levels. The laplacian_stack is then computed by subtracting adjacent Gaussian levels, highlighting high-frequency details. The mask, transitioning from 1 to 0, is blurred to create a smooth blend. The stacks are combined using blend_laplacian_stacks, and the final image is reconstructed with reconstruct_image, progressively adding the levels back.

Result (Orapple)

levels = 4, sigma = 1.0 and sigma_mask = 64

Blended image of an apple and an orange
Blended image of an apple and an orange

Irregular mask

Here i tried to place my face on a basketball. I chose a basketball because I though a basketball had the most similar color to my skintone. levels = 8, sigma = 20 and sigma_code = 8.

Image of me
Image of me
Mask used for blending
Mask used for blending
Blended image of my face and a basketball
Blended image of my face and a basketball

Horizontal mask

For this image, I blended a cactus and an ice cream using a horizontal mask. levels = 6, sigma = 0.4 and sigma_mask = 2

Blended image of a cactus and an ice cream
Blended image of a cactus and an ice cream

This webpage design was partly made using generative AI models.